North Central Chapter, Health Physics Society

Minutes of the Business Meeting April 30, 2004

Oakdale Hall, University of Iowa, Oakdale Research Campus

Iowa City, IA.

Called to order at 12:25 PM by Irene Patrek, NCCHPS President.

Note:  A copy of the business meeting agenda can be found at the end of this report.

1.)     The Chapter recognized and thanked the vendors who sponsored the Spring Meeting:
-Tom Chwierut of Global Dosimetry
-Barbara Johnson and Al Fredrich of Image Technology, Inc.
-Al Ecker of RPI
-Illinois Institute of Technology with literature.

2.)     The Fall Meeting minutes from September 26, 2003 were distributed by e-mail and posted on the website.  The minutes were accepted as written.

3.)     The Secretary/Treasurer’s report was presented.

As of April 29, 2004:




Money Market Fund:


Total NCCHPS Funds:




Membership Data:



110 Full Members


 2 New members since last fall


14 Emeritus Members


No Student Member


16 Affiliate Members


No new affiliate members since last fall

75% of the members have paid 2003 dues

4.)     This year, the affiliate count stands at 16.  The complete Affiliate Member Report is on file with the Secretary/Treasurer.

5.)     The executive council approved and recognized two new individual memberships received in the last six months.  The new members are; William C. Diamanti, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND and Robert J. McTaggart, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.

6.)   Continuing Education Credits for both the spring and fall 2003 chapter meetings were approved.  Ken Kerns will apply for spring meeting credits through CHP.  Irene opened the floor for discussion of applying for credits to other professional organizations such as CHMM.  The idea was favorably received by the membership and the Executive Council will pursue the matter.

7.)            The University of Iowa and Laurie Taylor, the spring meeting hosts, were recognized and thanked by the Chapter.

Old Business

1.)    As of the meeting date, no applications for Science Teacher Award have been submitted.  Cynthia Horn, via a letter to Irene, petitioned the board to re-design the Science Teacher Award form.  The board approved the revision. Irene will work with Cynthia to redesign the application.  They may solicit the help of Steve Schultz, former STA recipient.  Ken opened the floor for discussion regarding the lack of a Science Teacher Workshop for our chapter.  There seems to be plenty of resources out there, Janet Silsby did a good job gather data for teacher credit from the five states but we still are unable to conduct a STW.  Ken suggested that we are all too busy and that we might need to bring in a one-time consultant to set the workshops up and get us going.  Mike Lewandowski volunteered to develop a usable STW plan.  Glen Sturchio, Marcum Martz and Chuck Roessler agreed to help Mike.

2.)        Jeff Brunette informed us via Jan Braun that Minneapolis will be the site of the 2009 national convention running from July 16 through July 19.  The Hilton will be the convention hotel and a new section of the Minneapolis Convention Center will host our activities.  On March 24 & 25 Jan Braun, Ann Harri and Dan McGrane met with Sue Burk and Lori Strong for a site review of both Mpls. and St. Paul.

3.)    George Johns gave us an update on Minnesota’s progress toward agreement state status.  Much of the progress is dependent on the legislature.  The Notice of intent will be posted on May 17th and George is hoping for completion in the spring of 2005.  Wisconsin is petitioning to revise parts of their rule.  No other details are available.

New Business

1.)     Irene discussed and solicited nominations for HPS awards and offices.  She also reviewed current chapter committee assignments.

2.)     Irene announced the results of the election.  The president-elect for 2004/2005 is Jeffrey Brunette, the two new council members are Nancy Farrington and Marcum Martz.  The Amendments to the By-Laws passed unanimously.

3.)     Irene solicited the meeting attendees for a fall meeting location.  The executive council is open to offers from the membership for hosting of the fall meeting.

Other Business


The meeting adjourned at 1:05 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Daniel J. McGrane, NCCHPS Secretary/Treasurer



North Central Chapter Health Physics Society

Business Meeting April 30, 2004

University of Iowa Oakdale Research Center


1. Call to order.

2. Approve agenda.

3. Recognize those who are sponsoring this meeting:

a. Global Dosimetry Solutions - Tom Chwierut

b. Image Technology, Inc. - Barbara Johnson

c. Research Products International - AI Ecker

            d. Literature Illinois Institute of Technology - Kelly Cherwin

4. Minutes from Sept. 26, 2003 meeting were distributed, posted by email and accepted as written.

5. Secretary/Treasurer report.

6. Affiliate Coordinator report.

7. Executive Council meeting report.

8. Announce and recognize new members.

9. Continuing Education Credits from ABHP under course number 2003-09-005.

10. Recognition of Spring meeting host, Laurie Taylor.


Old Business

1. NCCHPS Committee updates.

a. Cynthia Horn - No applicants for ST A. Revising the application process.

b. Janet Silsby - update on CECs for teachers

c. Dan McGrane - Venues

d. Ken Kerns - HDER in Iowa. Other state representatives?

2. Agreement state status update.

a. Wisconsin

b. Minnesota


New Business

1. NCCHPS committee assignments

2. Nominations for HPS awards and offices.

3. NCC election results.

4. Fall meeting location.

5. Other new business.